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10.17.14 | 2 - 3 p.m.

A discussion regarding toxic environmental concerns
with Therese Aigner and Scott Stevens

Included in the first hourwas a discussion of the recent laboratory test results obtained by OTW radio show host, Ted Mahr, which analyzed the air, water, and fish samples of Moses Lake, Washington.  Ted found that the sulphur content of the water in Moses Lake was 5100 mg/liter or over 5000 times that of “normal” levels.  In addition, the levels of aluminum, barium, and strontium were anywhere between 80 and 100 times above “normal” levels.  Attached are the laboratory test results from those studies. 


Dr. Aigner stated on the air that with these extremely high toxic levels, that stillbirths would occur from the high barium and strontium levels, and Alzheimer’s disease rates would be high from the aluminum being constantly sprayed by the U.S. Air Force.  Ted stated on air that the extremely high sulphur spraying by the U.S. Air Force was an attempt by the reptilian controlled U.S. Air Force to “terraform” planet Earth into a much, much hotter (and less friendly place) to humans, while making the planet much, much more friendly to the reptilians.  This can be the only explanation for the sulphur spraying, especially this summer since the temperatures ranged between 100 and 120 degrees for nearly six weeks.  During this time, of course, there were raging forest fires on the east side of the Cascade Mountains, with thousands of acres burning and hundreds of homes lost to the fires.  To the U.S. Air Force spraying tons and tons of sulphur (and making it hotter and hotter this summer), they did not seem to care about the high temperatures from the tons of sulphur and the resulting forest fires.


Both Ted and Scott stated on air that they believe that large sectors of the U.S. Government are actually controlled by the reptilians, and that this is why the U.S. Air Force is spraying Moses Lake.  In addition, Dr. Aigner stated on air that with these extremely high and toxic heavy metal rates, that if Moses Lake was a worksite, that it would be immediately shut down if OSHA applied it’s rules and regulations to the area as a whole.  Other people have commented that the U.S. Air Force is basically treating the people of Moses Lake like “lab rats”, without regard to whether they get sick and die.  The current chem trail spraying in Moses Lake is once every two or three days. 


(see the Laboratory reports from the University of Wisconsin belwo)  Ted also has photos of the U.S. Air Force planes dumping chem trails which will be uploaded to the website shortly.


Scott Stevens


Scott is an award winning television weatherman who has his own company called “Blue Water Alchemy”, which specializes in various Geo-engineering topics, including chemtrails.  His company (Blue Water Alchemy) also sells various excellent health related products.

Therese AignerCES, CEC Retired

Certified Environmental Specialist/Consultant

P.O. Box 84

Sabinsville, PA  16943-0084



Dr. Therese Aigner is a nationally recognized certified environmental consultant who is a recognized authority on the environmental and health effects of chemtrails.  She has been a member of a Pennsylvania environmental group since 2002. 

During the second part of the this show, Scott went over the reasons why the U.S. Air Force is spraying chem trails.  According to Scott and his Galactic Alliance friends, the U.S. Air Force is terra forming the planet to make it much, much more friendly to reptilians and less friendly to humans. The increased death and illness rates from the constant chemical spraying by the U.S. Air Force is part of the reptilian master plan to reduce the Earth’s population by 95 percent, to create a smaller and more controllable slave race.


During the show, Scott also shared the “hue”, a wonderful Galactic Alliance protection for the people of this planet.



10.17.14 | 3-4 p.m.

A discussion regarding chemtrails with Scott Lemriel

(please click here to be redirected to Scott's bio page)

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